New beginnings and related stuff!
The lanes of life...
I began this blog in January 2009. I worked on it for two months and then regrettably, I dumped it. I’m sorry blog! I’m sorry world! But hey, its a new year. Its January 2010 and I’m starting again. And yes, that rhymed. I hope that I can get back all my readers and fellow photography lovers! Now.. coming to this picture. It was cloudy that day and yes, it ended up raining. My friends and I were out hunting for an iPod Shuffle. I was sitting on a rickshaw when I smelled the moisture in the air. The breeze was a very welcome one, it cooled down a very hot Dharampura Bazar – a market in Patiala. Well, God smiled after that and it rained. I remember taking a walk with the drizzle through these very lanes with my friend. It was amazing. This picture was taken just before it started to rain…