Subject City Beckons!
I want to buy this place
I'm back in my subject city, a.k.a. Patiala. I'm back three whole weeks before semester starts. Why? Well, lets see. I was pretty much jobless at home. I decided to breathe some life back into my dear old blog. I don't think I had lost my interest in photography, it was more like I got involved in the race to decorate my C.V. Aah, the joy of just walking around the city with my phone and waiting to find that next picture... Its hard to put in words. Today, I did just that. Yes sirs and madames, I went photo hunting today!! After being unable to find a decent subject, I decided to walk back to my hostel and on the way was this building. The first time I saw this building was in August, 2008 and the first thought in my head was that I wanted to own it. I don't really know what is it about this building, I just want to own it. One day, I'll return to Patiala and buy this place. I surely will.
Why did I come back three weeks before semester begins? This was just the place where I had to be. There was just someone I had to be with. I was jobless at home, I have work here. Pursuits, both academic and personal, fill my days. Among other things, I tried to click a bird taking a bath but the critter just flew away. And yes, I still lust after that Nikon D90.